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Jesse Brown: Zebras vs. Unicorns in Post-Disruption Creative Spaces

Jesse Brown: Zebras vs. Unicorns in Post-Disruption Creative Spaces

Drawing on his own experience building disruptive tech, digital media expert and journalist Jesse Brown spoke to us about why it’s important to find the zebras amongst all the unicorns in our disruptive world.

Jesse runs Canadaland, the crowdfunded news site that has disrupted the way the Canadian media works, plus he is the co-founder of Bitstrips, the makers of Bitmoji, a cartooning app acquired by Snapchat and used by millions.

He explained how “the unicorn” has become a trope and/or stereotype in Silicon Valley. Everyone is looking for that mythical creature, funding hundreds of small projects to do so. But Jesse asks, what does a unicorn actually do in this world? When found, companies work as quickly as possible to get it out there and see rapid growth, only to then sell it.

This has become the ethics behind new technology today. Jesse argues that we don’t need any more unicorns, instead we should be looking for the zebras. Zebras are companies who make money but also provide value to their users, building communities and helping the systems they encounter.

Watch the video below to learn more:

What does the future hold for Canada? Are our institutions and economy at odds with rapid technological and cultural change? Are we keeping up? From business to government to media, disruption is here. Technology and media expert Jesse Brown explains the challenging shifts ahead, and how to stay on top of them.

Interested in learning more about Jesse and what he can bring to your next event? Email us at [email protected].

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