Every single day, millions upon millions of influential Millennial and Generation Z consumers begin their day in the exact same place: Instagram Stories.
This habitual use of Instagram is not just to catch up with friends either. An astounding 80% of these users engage with brands just as often as they do friends. But why? What is it about this digital storytelling platform that draws in Millennials and Gen Z, and has them connecting with brands at record-shattering rates?
Simple: these young consumers — above all else — care about purpose. And purpose can only be shared through the magic of storytelling.
Why is storytelling so important? Because it’s in our DNA. Storytelling is a tool as old as mankind itself, having been used by humans for ages to share our biggest, brightest, and most important ideas. As such, we naturally respond to the power of story. And for brands that tell the right story to the right group of consumers — a story that clearly identifies their purpose — it’s a way to build an incredible bond. One that, if nurtured correctly, can last for life.
Think about the world’s most powerful brands and the stories they tell. Steve Jobs did not tell a story about a computer company with better features. He told a story about a brand feverishly dedicated to “those who think outside the box”. Walt Disney did not tell a story about building a profitable movie house; he told a story about innovating all forms of entertainment to bring families closer together. And Richard Branson didn’t start his journey with a story about cost-cutting and quarterly profits. Instead, Virgin told a story about massively disrupting long-established industry status quos.
These stories — and the purpose behind them — are what resonate with consumers, and are what catapulted these brands into some of the most valuable in the world.
Leaning on his experience as the Head of Innovation and Creativity for the world’s #1 storyteller — The Walt Disney Company — Duncan Wardle will equip your audience with the tools needed to leverage the magic of storytelling, and lead with purpose. Tools that will not only help your brand resonate with new, hard-to-reach generations of consumers, but with employees as well. Because purpose isn’t just important for consumers; it’s important for all stakeholders of your business.
To succeed in this fast-paced, ultra-competitive market, your business must become a storyteller. Because the brands that choose to tell a great story about a great purpose are the brands that win. So, what story is your business going to tell?