The Passing Zone is a renowned comedy act featuring Jon Wee and Owen Morse, who are experts in what it takes to be a high-performance team. They deliver, customized high-octane presentations — showcasing trust, innovation, collaboration, and communication — that are full of big laughs, wild stunts, and hilarious audience participation. When it comes to comedic entertainment and dynamic keynotes, these guys are the best in the business.
Morse and Wee met in 1986 at a juggling convention and instantly knew they were destined to be a team. After graduating college, they began their professional journey, quickly winning the silver and gold medals at the International Jugglers’ Association Teams Competition. This success led to their debut on The Tonight Show, followed by a second appearance due to Johnny Carson’s enthusiasm. Their film debut was in The Addams Family Movie, doubling for Raul Julia and Christopher Lloyd.
Showcasing innovation, leadership development, and teamwork through their presentations, The Passing Zone gained further acclaim performing at the Royal Variety Performance in London for then Prince Charles, in the Miss America Pageant, and at The White House. They were also finalists on America’s Got Talent in seasons one and 11 for their comedic and juggling prowess, and have also appeared on television’s Comic Strip Live, CNN’s Road Warriors, Hell’s Kitchen, MADtv, Penn & Teller’s Sin City Spectacular, Steve Harvey’s Big Time, and NBC’s Today. The Passing Zone also provides commentary for ESPN’s World Juggling Federation competitions.
Morse and Wee hold four Guinness World Records and 18 gold medals from the International Juggler’s Association. They received the IJA’s Award of Excellence and have been inducted into the National Speakers Association’s Speaker Hall of Fame. Performing at corporate and association events, they are known for their clean, versatile act that appeals to diverse audiences. Their presentations can be customized to include company products and slogans.