In just six months’ time, the COVID-19 pandemic has made it so the business landscape of almost every industry looks wildly different from before. This is a moment of unprecedented upheaval, an era of fundamental disruption. However, while many people and organizations have managed to adapt and continue to do so, it’s important to be prepared for the long-term and to shift from stop-gap measures to thoughtful change.
With a recent piece for Forbes, transformation and future of work expert Lital Marom outlined a concise set of steps organizations can take to be ready for transformation—particularly the move to digital that so many have had to hurriedly make since March. Lital writes that in many ways leaders can choose which challenge they face: the challenge from the outside (i.e. unexpected disruption that requires a quick, unprepared response) or the challenge from within (i.e. building one’s organization so that it is adaptive and forward-thinking).
While there are several key points in Lital’s piece, one of the most important resources an organization can have in place to be ready to take on digital transformation lies with the employees themselves. She writes:
To set your business up for success in digital transformation, hire for abilities like flexibility, teachability, critical thinking and perseverance — then look for a healthy dose of humility. When you hire people who value openness and humility, you can ensure that they are willing to learn. In a period of rapid change, knowledge and skills quickly become outdated without constant upkeep. A willingness to learn and change is timeless in this rapidly changing world.
By attracting this kind of talent, writes Lital, a company will naturally lean more towards taking on challenges, seeking innovative solutions, and having the flexibility needed to adeptly manage disruption.
A thought leader on agile business processes, digital transformation, and the future of work, Lital Marom is an expert at helping organizations unlock the potential of their business by leveraging emerging technologies and new economic models. In her practical and engaging talks, she inspires business leaders to “disrupt themselves” and push beyond their limitations to future proof their businesses.
If you’re interested in booking Lital or another speaker for a virtual presentation, please contact us for more information.