Speakers’ Spotlight has partnered with Incentive Works, Canada’s largest meetings and events industry trade show and conference, for 15 years, providing the best of our speaker roster including Chris Hadfield, Simon Sinek, and Clara Hughes to name just a few!
This year, the show featured trendsetter and tech-titan, Michele Romanow, and trend spotter and workplace strategist, Seth Mattison.
In Michele’s retrospective of her entrepreneurial journey, she revealed the path to be a lot messier than one might expect. In fact, she said, success is most often found in a completely different place than where we were originally headed. This was true for Uber, Cirque du Soleil, AirBnB, and more.
Michele believes that what’s required is more than agility — we need to be scrappy! And, this doesn’t just apply to entrepreneurs –today the length of one’s career can often be longer than the life of the companies we work for. Her advice is to stop planning and start doing. Innovation is iteration. We learn from the process and from failing our way toward the big win!
Seth Mattison explored the findings of his latest book, The War at Work: Navigating the Unwritten Rules of the Hierarchy in a Half Changed World.
For many leaders, he explained, hierarchy is embedded in their DNA, from how they were parented and schooled to how business and society was run, period.
Seth described how today’s talent grew up in a different world and project their “self- directed, access to everything, anytime experience”, to how they operate in the world and at work. This is great, he said, as we need their initiative and hustle on the front-lines. It’s the battle of hierarchy and the hyper-connected world of the network. Navigating these two very different worlds is the mandate of the modern day leader and the key determinant to success in a rapidly changing business environment.
If you would like information on these speakers or help in determining the best speaker fit for your upcoming conferences and events, please email us at [email protected]. And watch the video above for a little peek into IncentiveWorks 2017!