Every morning, thousands of Canadians wake up to Dina Pugliese, co-host of Toronto’s number-one morning show, Breakfast Television. Loved by viewers for her charismatic personality, Dina has a unique ability to bring “sparkle” to everything she does, whether hosting the morning show or a corporate event, or emceeing a glamorous evening gala. Dina took a few minutes out of her busy schedule to answer some questions from Speakers’ Spotlight:
What inspired you to want to be a speaker/emcee?
I love being able to host a room filled with our country’s finest…whether celebrating corporate achievements or hosting fancy fundraisers…it’s always a great time that leaves me feeling inspired.
Any advice for aspiring speakers/emcees?
Be yourself and remember to have fun. Everyone is looking to de-stress, let loose, and laugh (even if their three-piece suit suggests otherwise).
What do you like to leave audiences with?
I love to keep the evening moving…inject some humour…keep the pace going and the room charged up so the audience leaves with a smile on their face and ready to hit the dance floor!
How do you prepare before an event? Any special rituals? A good luck talisman?
I usually get pretty comfortable with the key points or script the day before the event so that I can pretty much abandon it come showtime…it’s so important to be in the moment and feed off of the audience so that the event can be tailored to suit the crowd and make for great memories.
Any funny or embarrassing situations you found yourself in at an event you hosted?
Having an impromptu dance onstage with the incredibly talented (and funny) man of a thousand voices, Andre-Philippe Gagnon, was about as spontaneous and hilarious as you’d imagine. It was during his spot-on impression of Barry White’s “Can’t Get Enough of Your Love, Babe.”
Is there a charitable cause that you feel passionate about? Why?
I absolutely love working with the Sick Kids Foundation and Wear White For Windfall. Both do a tremendous job taking care of our city’s most vulnerable: children and women.
If you had to choose a new career, what would it be?
I’m so passionate about my career and feel so grateful and blessed to be given such wonderful opportunities while calling it “work.” I can’t imagine doing anything else. I always say, “make your passion your career and you’ll never work a day in your life.”
Desert island album?
Sade–The Best Of album (she has the most calming, soothing, voice).
Best subject in school?
English. Loved writing poetry.
Last book you read?
Tina Fey’s memoir, Bossypants. Yay to strong, funny, successful, women in a male-dominated industry!
Last film you saw?
Iron Man 3.
Celebrity crush?
Brangelina. I’m so happy they married. I have equally innocent crushes on both Brad and Angelina. They are just as stunning and effortlessly cool in the flesh. I swear they don’t walk, but float on air.