Bruce Kirkby has been shot at in Borneo, and taken hostage in Ethiopia; he has survived crocodile attacks on the Nile and weathered high-altitude storms in Alaska. His journeys span 80 countries on six continents…and wait until you hear about his latest odyssey! Along with his wife and two young children, Bruce recently completed a six-month, 22,000-mile overland adventure to China, Tibet, Nepal, and the Indian Himalaya (traveling by foot, shipping boats, kayaks…and even rafts!)—all filmed by TravelChannel and set to air as a reality series in June, 2015. Bruce recently stopped by our office and shared his thoughts on his new topic (which is based on his trip) “Cleaning Your Cluttered Brain: A Field Guide to Productivity and Performance in a Hectic World.” In the video above, Bruce shares some of the ideas that have stuck with him since his latest journey, including the freedom and magic inherent in getting out of the comfort zone and into the unknown.
The Magic of Discomfort