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The Hon. Jody Wilson-Raybould: Reflecting on National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

The Hon. Jody Wilson-Raybould: Reflecting on National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Our purpose on National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Day is to honour all of the Survivors, children, families, and communities impacted by the Residential School System.

How do we truly honour them? Through action, and not words alone.

So, on National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Day, ask yourself:

  • What actions will I take to help advance true reconciliation?
  • By what measure will I know they have been impactful and effective?
  • How will I continue to act tomorrow, the next day, and into the future?

Your answers are a pledge to play your part in addressing the legacy of colonialism and building our shared and better future.

True Reconciliation: How to Be a Force for Change

There is one question Canadians ask The Hon. Jody Wilson-Raybould more than any other — What can I do to help advance reconciliation?

Jody is a descendant of the Musgamagw Tsawataineuk and Laich-Kwil-Tach peoples, which are part of the Kwakwaka’wakw and also known as the Kwak’wala speaking peoples. She is a member of the We Wai Kai Nation with her traditional name, Puglaas, meaning “woman born to noble people.”

Prior to serving as the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada as well as a Member of Parliament, Jody served two terms as an elected councillor for her Nation and was also a director and chair of the First Nations Finance Authority and a director of the First Nations Lands Advisory Board.

True reconciliation, Jody says, is about building transformed patterns of just and harmonious relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples at all levels of society. How? Jody explores in her forthcoming book True Reconciliation: How to be a Force for Change.

Broken down into three core practices — learn, understand, and act — Jody draws on her unique perspective as both a community and political leader to explore the historical and contemporary experience of Indigenous peoples in their relentless efforts to effect transformative change and decolonization. She takes readers on a deep dive into what has been effective in the past; what we are doing right, and wrong, today; and what our collective future requires to effect change and heal.

The ultimate goal of True Reconciliation is to break down the silos we’ve created that prevent meaningful change, be empowered to increasingly act as “inbetweeners,” and take full advantage of this moment in our history to positively transform the country into a place we can all be proud of.