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Dr. Robyne Hanley-Dafoe: How to Vacation Wisely this Summer

Dr. Robyne Hanley-Dafoe: How to Vacation Wisely this Summer

Many of us have eagerly awaited the warm weather and sun-filled days that summer brings us. But this season also comes with high expectations. While we’re invited to unwind and let go of our worries, there can be immense pressure to “relax” and “make the most” of the summer months. The pressure to live up to society’s expectations about what a productive and fun summer looks like can create a different kind of stress that undermines the very feeling many of us hope to achieve.

When we define what it means to unwind and enjoy summer on our own terms, we create the spaciousness to rediscover and reconnect with ourselves and with the things and people that matter most.

Navigate the High Expectations of Summer

Here are three ideas to help you approach the summer season with gentleness and intention:

Let Go of Comparisons

Summer plans vary, and that’s okay. Comparing our experiences to others can rob us of the joy in our own experiences. Remember, social media shows curated highlights, not the whole reality. Fulfillment comes from aligning our actions with our values, not from meeting others’ expectations.

Set Realistic Expectations

There’s often hidden pressure to make each summer the most memorable yet, leading us to set unrealistic expectations. While there’s a shift in pace that can come with the summer months, our work and responsibilities still exist, and it is important for us to be mindful as we add more activities into our already full lives. Seek clarity on your summer goals and consider what’s practical for you and your loved ones.

Go for the Feelings

Determine how you want to feel this summer — present, connected, creative, peaceful, adventurous, joy-filled? Once we are clear on how we want to feel, we can ensure the actions, behaviours, and activities we choose are in alignment.

So, how do you want to feel this summer?

Described as one of the most sought-after, engaging, thought-provoking, and truly transformative speakers and scholars in her field, Dr. Robyne Hanley-Dafoe is a multi-award-winning education and psychology instructor. She specializes in resiliency, navigating stress and change, wellness in the workplace, and optimal performance both at home and work.

Contact us to learn more about Robyne and how her keynotes — grounding in global research and practical strategies — can help foster resiliency and wellness within your team.

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