Leadership consultant Chester Elton joined us in our office to share insights into what he believes is the key ingredient to a successful business — workplace culture.
“When Your culture works,” he said, “everything works better.”
Called the “apostle of appreciation” by the Globe and Mail, Chester is the co-author of several bestselling leadership books, including #1 Wall Street Journal bestsellers All In, The Carrot Principle, and What Motivates Me. His work has been called a “must read for modern managers,” by Larry King of CNN.
Culture is a leadership responsibility, Chester said. Only when it starts at the top can it trickle down to produce results across the organizations. And, with a multi-generational office now where millennials are the largest workforce, it’s important to foster a positive work environment that can support each individual who may expect and want different things from their job.
In today’s climate, he says there are three steps in creating a successful culture:
- Having and knowing your noble cause.
- Creating clear communication channels between leadership and employees.
- Fostering a learning organization that offers continual educational opportunities.
In the below clip, Chester explains what a noble cause and why it’s so important:
He also went into further detail about why it’s important for workplaces to offer educational opportunities. Chester believes the educational landscape is changing and that university degrees will soon be irrelevant. Watch below for more information:
Lastly, Chester shared the number one trait that all of today’s best leaders have — they are grateful, and they share their gratitude and appreciation for their employees freely.
Interested in learning more about Chester Elton and what he can bring to your next event? Email us at [email protected].