As the oldest son of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mrs. Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King III has seized the torch lit by his parents by continuing their quest for equality and justice for all. His stirring message of hope and his mission to eradicate injustices has lifted him into the spotlight as a leading voice of issues affecting the poor and oppressed.
With today being the celebration of the birth of his father Martin Luther King Jr. across the United States, we thought it fitting to share a clip (click above to watch) of a recent Martin Luther King III speech espousing the ideals of freedom, justice, and equality. These ideals, he says, were ones worth living and dying for—and keeping them close to one’s heart will help guide us through the difficult life choices.
It’s a universal message that resonates especially strongly in an age where deep wounds of identity are being reopened by an intolerant president—one comfortable dividing us into desirable and undesirable according to our birthplaces.
“What this presidency is doing is forcing us to have a real conversation, so we can once and for all bury racism, I believe,” Martin Luther King III said after hearing President Trump’s remarks on Haiti and Africa and immigration from those areas. King maintains that diversity is still what makes that country (and Canada for that matter) great: “People can come from anywhere in the world and they can fulfill their dreams. And those dreams sometimes became monumental and they became true because this environment created that.”