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Top 50 Leadership and Management Experts

Top 50 Leadership and Management Experts has just released their list of the “Top 50 Leadership and Management Experts,” and we’re thrilled to see many of our speakers on the list! Congratulations to Marshall Goldsmith, Robin Sharma, Simon Sinek, Patrick Lencioni, Steve Farber, Clayton Christensen, Marcus Buckingham, Dr. Robert Cialdini, and Susan Cain!

  1. John C. Maxwell
  2. Seth Godin
  3. Jack Welch
  4. Guy Kawasaki
  5. Tim Ferriss
  6. Daniel Goleman
  7. Dale Carnegie
  8. Kenneth H. Blanchard
  9. Richard Branson
  10. Michael E. Porter
  11. Marshall Goldsmith
  12. Tom Peters
  13. Stephen R. Covey
  14. Robin Sharma
  15. Simon Sinek
  16. Patrick Lencioni
  17. Rosabeth Moss Kanter
  18. Tony Hsieh
  19. Thomas L. Friedman
  20. Orrin Woodward
  21. Steve Farber
  22. Don Tapscott
  23. Clayton M. Christensen
  24. David Allen
  25. Brian Tracy
  26. Bob Sutton
  27. Michael Hyatt
  28. John P. Kotter
  29. Peter F. Drucker
  30. Eric Ries
  31. Anthony Robbins
  32. Gary Hamel
  33. Mike Myatt
  34. Jason Fried
  35. Charles Duhigg
  36. Daniel H. Pink
  37. Dan Rockwell
  38. Marcus Buckingham
  39. Chris Brady
  40. Jurgen Appelo
  41. Robert B. Cialdini
  42. John Baldoni
  43. Jeffrey Gitomer
  44. Gretchen Rubin
  45. Malcolm Gladwell
  46. Susan Cain
  47. Dan Ariely
  48. Jim Collins
  49. Liz Strauss
  50. Chris Brogan
By, 2014